The Ripple Effect Podcast
Episode 294: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Christian Yordanov | Ancestral Wisdom, Autism, Health, & Healing)

Episode 294: The Ripple Effect Podcast (Christian Yordanov | Ancestral Wisdom, Autism, Health, & Healing)

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Christian Yordanov is the author of Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy, host of the Connecting Minds podcast, a certified functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, Pn1-certified nutrition coach, buteyko breathing instructor, DNAFit trainer, sports and event massage therapist, and fitness instructor/personal trainer. Christian is also an avid biohacker and experimenter, and have tried most diets you can imagine, from vegetarian and fully plant-based (while training for a Muay Thai fight) to Ketogenic, Carnivoire, Paleo, and the Metabolic Typing diet.

The Ripple Effect Podcast
The Ripple Effect Podcast has journalists on like Ben Swann, historians like Dan Carlin, musicians like Burton C. Bell from Fear Factory, researchers like James Corbett, scientists like Rupert Sheldrake, comedians like Jim Florentine, doctors like Dr. Burzynski, filmmakers like Mikki Willis, authors like Christopher Ryan, philosophers like Daniele Bolelli, athletes like Justin Wren, professors like Richard D. Wolff and many others like Gov. Jesse Ventura, Freeway Rick Ross, Del Bigtree, Matt Farah, Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, G. Edward Griffin & Whitney Webb, in hopes to bring our listeners the most interesting people, & the most interesting conversations, with the goal of "Provoking Thought & Starting A Ripple."